Remember Vote and Sign Thief Geoff Wetrosky?


Notorious sign and vote thief Geoff Wetrosky of South Dakota is still out there lurking around politics. At The Coalition of New Hampshire Taxpayers we keep track of him, especially because he came here from out of state and stole NH votes – twice.

In 2005 he was an errand boy sign stealer for John Kerry, staying with Democrat Party Chair and voter fraud flophouse operator Kathy Sullivan motel while working for “Mayor for Life” Bob Baines.

In 2008 he held a repeat performance for Obama stealing a Manchester vote from the notorious Democrat voter fraud factory at 1200 Elm St. in Manchester along with Maryland resident Michelle Bensignor.

Congratulations are in order for vote thief Geoff now that he has settled down with a new job at the AFLCIO and got himself married!

So many of these non-resident, transient vote thieves and their pals have this same thing in common – law school.


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