President Obama Should have Met With Senator Obama About The Failure To Prepare For Epidemic Emergencies

Steve MacDonald

178820056MW048_OBAMA_FORMERSenator Barack Obama, floor of the US Senate – 2005: Mr. President why aren’t we prepared for an Avian Flu pandemic?

The failure to prepare for emergencies can have devastating consequences. We learned that lesson the hard way after Hurricane Katrina. This nation must not be caught off-guard when faced with the prospect of an avian flu pandemic. The consequences are too high.

… I urge my colleagues in the Senate and the House to push this Administration to take the action needed to prevent a catastrophe that we have not seen during our lifetimes.”

April 2010:President Obama quietly dumps planed quarantine standards whose absence Senator Obama politicized in 2005.

The Obama administration has quietly scrapped plans to enact sweeping new federal quarantine regulations that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention touted four years ago as critical to protecting Americans from dangerous diseases spread by travelers.

The regulations, proposed in 2005 during the Bush administration amid fears of avian flu, would have given the federal government additional powers to detain sick airline passengers and those exposed to certain diseases. They also would have expanded requirements for airlines to report ill passengers to the CDC and mandated that airlines collect and maintain contact information for fliers in case they later needed to be traced as part of an investigation into an outbreak.

Note: I am not making a case here for anything except Obama’s hypocrisy, and that of probably every Democrat in or running for office.

The Democrats were, as always, brutal to their opponents and the opposition president, with regard to virus preparedness.  Did you forget?  With the help of the media there was a series of global epidemiological catastrophes looming, none of which ever came to America.

Right now we’ve got the threat of MERS which has been stewing for months overseas – never even mentioned by Democrats who would be hounding a different parties president for their lack of forethought or caring.  EV-68 is raging all over the nation making kids sick. That is in the news, but I have yet to hear a single Democrat or a talking head blame “The President” for failing to either act or be more proactive.   And we have actual Ebola infections on US soil under the watchful eye of Barack Obama ‘Fore!’  Shiite happens, but not from the media, and certainly not from the Democrats about an unprepared president who has sat idly by while his nation is at risk.

This is not a story about Ebola, or EV-68, or MERS, or even preparedness.  it is  story about politics, hypocrisy, and power.

Democrats are frauds.  They care about nothing that does not give them some political advantage and act on nothing unless it places that power at risk.

Get it through your heads.  They do not care about you, your concerns, your life-style choices, your race, religion, your children, none of it.  These are all forfeit in exchange for power and money.  And if Democrats didn’t need your vote to get those two things, you’d mean nothing to the Democrat party.

Every day we see examples of this.  Today is no exception.

Senator Obama – about that Bird Flu….


Ace of Spades

Hot Air 



  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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