Is there something wrong with your rhetoric when only your paid protesters manage to take any interest?
NASHUA – A pre-election push for a pro-Democrat platform came to Nashua in a big way Monday with the arrival of a bus tour at the Nashua Public Library. The 45-foot-long bus began a 18- state tour in Manchester earlier in the day. The tour will go through October and end in Washington D.C. just prior to the November election Brad Woodhouse, president of Americans United for Change and sponsor of the bus, spoke first to about 25 people who stood near the library’s lower parking lot, many wearing steel worker union shirts and coats. Very few members of the public trickled over to see what the big blue bus was all about. The bus touted bullet points consistent with the message delivered by mostly Democratic candidates, including increasing the minimum wage, offering equal pay for equal work, and making college more affordable.
Was there an intermission during the “show?”
AUFC advocates taxpayer funded tuition, legalizing the union intimidation of workers, and pushes for the progressive agenda under the umbrella of a nonpartisan non-profit. The minimum wage and workers unite class warfare message (no nod to Marx and Engels) fits seamlessly with the Democrat party talking points and their mission.
But their biggest hypocrisy, and there are so many to choose from, might be college affordability. You will never hear AUFC suggest that college could be more affordable if Universities lowered tuition or other astronomical costs like the very-un-middle-class salaries of one-per-centers in the faculty and administration. White tower parasites who have put enormous pressure on actual middle class families by taking huge salaries and benefits, even long after they are gone.
And no mention of how tuition has risen so far beyond the reach of the average American that the Democrats had to use the Federal Government to socialize the student loan system. Now nearly everyone has to sign a deal with the devil to get a student loan at the risk of having to engage indentured servitude in exchange for a journey through the re-education camps of the higher-learning one-party class room.
So that’s the AUFC for you. They hold a rally and a few union bosses pay some folks to show up (maybe not even actual union employees) so they can sing to the choir about the lefts agenda; including the minimum wage hike, which has zero-to-no effect on “the middle class” they claim to be speaking for. Well, not ‘No effect.’ It will make every product and service they were already struggling to afford cost more. It will also increase their tax burden as government policy makes young, low, and unskilled workers unemployable – forcing them into taxpayer funded entitlement programs, and taxpayer funded job training programs we wouldn’t need if employers could be left alone to hire and train them with their own money instead of ours.
Middle Class First. Yeah, first to pay the price for failed Democrat policies.
Thanks for coming to New Hampshire, now get the hell out.
H/T – The Nashua Telegraphs Pay Wall