May I See Your N. C. Driver’s License, Foreign Passport and US Voter Registrations Please


North Carolina’s clean election laws were  confirmed by the US Supreme Court a few weeks ago.  N.C. Legislators dumped same day registration and the court upheld the sensible move as a state right.

But another in-place, organized, leftist scheme to steal an election by any means just hit a snag because of an alert group of citizens there – The Voter Integrity Project of North Carolina.

Immigrants who are not US citizens are registering to vote using North Carolina driver’s licenses they have been able to acquire through Obama programs.

Those same N.C. licenses would make it even easier to come to New Hampshire to vote as well.

So what do you do with a non-citizen with an Obama North Carolina driver’s license who registers to vote?

Deport him ASAP.

Simple solution.


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