James ‘Candy Crowley’ Pindell

Steve MacDonald

Hey, everyone gets a nick-name, and thanks to last nights Brown-Shaheen Debate, James gets a new one.

And Scott Brown has now given the Democrats some hope.  He included Sullivan County in ‘The North Country,’ which started a twitter debate about how Sullivan county is west and mostly north of Concord, whether north of Concord counted as ‘The North Country,’ and even spawned left-wing tweets with pictures making Brown out to be some alien ambassador trying to dupe the locals into thinking he was one of them.  This from the people who hate New Hampshire’s current State Motto, Live Free or Die.

Pindell started all that by observing that Sullivan County was west of Concord.  So is Alaska, technically, so why bring it up?

It sounded like a shill to the lefts endless meme about Brown’s residency and the evils of carpetbaggery, something that they have no concern for at all when Democrats go shopping for Senate seats. (And everyone was worried about Stephanopoulus.)

And true, Brown is not exactly the Live Free or Die alternative to Shaheen, and I’m not here to praise Brown, nor to bury him, but most people who live in New Hampshire have no idea where Sullivan county is either.  Many of the politically active do, but not most of them.  So I find it amusing that after a debate in which Shaheen was lit-up nationally on Twitter, the last best hope for a new talking point that the Democrats could manage was that we need to have a debate in Scott Brown’s near-ignorance, about Sullivan County and its geographical particulars, something that wont matter one wit to these folks…

Meanwhile, James Pindell is probably getting “love notes from the left,” which sounds like a catchy title for a collection of missives by Senators to the IRS, letters from the IRS to non-profit applicants, cancellation letters from Insurers because of ObamaCare, hate-mail from the Veruca Salt gaystapo looking to shut-down small businesses and pillory them in the media, and presidency ending emails that ‘disappeared’ from Lois Lerner’s digital foot-print (most-likely with promises of a pardon if she gets sent to the pokey before the Bamster shuffles off the oval office.)



  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of GraniteGrok.com, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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