"Independent Voice" Shaheen Drew Obama Support Red Line...at 99% - Granite Grok

“Independent Voice” Shaheen Drew Obama Support Red Line…at 99%

Looneyleft_xlargeWe’ve all been reminding voters that NH Senator  Jeanne Shaheen campaigned as a non-partisan choice for New Hampshire in 2008.  The observant among us saw that for the nonsense that it was, but she got elected anyway.

Now, six years later, the not-so-partisan-Jeanne-Shaheen has a problem.  She drew her own red line.  The line at which she would not cross over to ensure that she remained an independent voice for New Hampshire.  It was voting with Obama 99% of the time.

I think that makes her the most partisan US Senator New Hampshire has ever had.  The least bi-partisan.  The lease independent.   The biggest liar, hypocrite, and shill for the unpopular Obama agenda.

She’s so bad even The Nashua Telegraph endorsed her opponent.

That says something.

