Guest Post: This election is clearly about Barack Obama

Steve MacDonald
The Election IS ABOUT this guy!

Guest Post By – Peter Lemiska

To the Editor:

There is a growing sense in the country that America is in decline. It is not a slow, prolonged deterioration stemming from some inherent defect, but rather a sudden precipitous fall, pointing to a failure in leadership. In fact, a solid majority of Americans now question this President’s leadership.

Perhaps early on, we might not have known about Obama’s character flaws – his indecisiveness, his duplicity, his petulance and boundless arrogance. We could not have known about the many scandals that were to come. But even before his first election, we should have known that we knew nothing about the man’s character.

Those character deficits, along with Obama’s determination to put his agenda before our national security, explain the scandals.

Together, they explain why he has diminished American prestige on the world stage, and why he has decimated our military and our border control, exposing Americans to more crime, potentially more terrorism, and now a dreaded, usually fatal virus. We now know he was serious about fundamentally transforming the country. It wasn’t just a slip of the tongue. It was the first time a viable U.S. presidential candidate openly talked about punishing ambition and success in order to expand the welfare rolls. He called it spreading the wealth. And now we see the effect of all those years spent absorbing the racist, anti-Semitic preaching by his self-described mentor. Six years into his presidency, his perception has become our reality. Racial tensions in this country have deteriorated to a level not seen since the 1960s.

And those who suddenly see him as incompetent should have paid closer attention in 2008 to his utter and complete lack of experience in government, in business, and in life.

Now we’re dealing with that mistake.

As his popularity sinks to new lows, fellow Democrats are stampeding for the door. Democratic candidates are avoiding him like the plague, and former cabinet members are writing books criticizing his leadership. In Kentucky, Democratic senatorial candidate Alison Lundergan Grimes refused to even acknowledge her support for Obama in the 2008 and 2012 elections. When asked about it, she responded, “This election isn’t about the President.”

Ms. Grimes is wrong about that. Though he will not be on the ballot, this election is clearly about Barack Obama.

For the past six years, Jeanne Shaheen and the Democrats enabled Obama to implement his agenda. It wasn’t just Obamacare. They supported him and shielded him, endorsed him, encouraged him and embraced him. They gave him everything he wanted. There is simply no reason to believe that would change if they retain control of the Senate.

Because the Democrats have been one with Obama, together, they are responsible for where we are today. But the sudden and dramatic rejection of Barack Obama and his policies is no surprise. Accountability has always been an elusive concept to the Democratic Party, and there is, after all, an election to win. Yet there is something particularly unseemly about their self-serving awakening. To them, the decision to distance themselves from an unpopular President is simply a pragmatic solution to a difficult problem. Others call it disloyal and dishonorable, opportunistic, cowardly and hypocritical. Whatever it is, it’s not commitment and it’s not leadership.

While Obama’s dismal favorability has created an encouraging environment for Republicans, a Senate turnover in November is not a foregone conclusion, for Obama still has a solid, albeit shrinking, base. There are the mindless, mawkish groupies, like actress Gwyneth Paltrow, who are simply infatuated with the man. There are the students who haven’t quite learned to think for themselves, but who flawlessly regurgitate the anti-American philosophies taught by their professors. There are the healthy, life-long welfare recipients who depend on Obama’s largess for all the things that others work for. And, of course there are the party loyalists. These are the voters Obama and the Democrats are counting on.

It’s been said that in a democracy, the people get the government they deserve. Seventy to 80 percent of America believes the country deserves better. Those people believe we are headed in the wrong direction. They can start to nudge the country back on course if they mobilize in November and take the Senate away from Obama’s Democratic enablers. If they don’t, the country will continue to spiral downward. It will become Obama’s vision of America, a reflection of his distorted principles and values, an unexceptional nation hopelessly divided and void of national pride, personal responsibility, and ethical leadership.

Peter Lemiska


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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