Keep your BS detectors on alert ladies and gentleman. New York Times editorial writer Gail Collins has thrown down the next gauntlet in the media war on mankind’s war on the climate. A beach full of Walrus is a sign of the coming climapocalypse.
They’re piling up in Alaska. About 35,000 walruses have formed what looks to be a humongous brown ball along the northern coast. A mass of critters, some weighing 4,000 pounds, are pressed shoulder to shoulder — or flipper to flipper.
Gail blames the lack of ice, because as every elitist arm-chair zoologist/New york Times Columnist worth their climate rhetoric knows, four-thousand pound critters should not be piling up in a humongous brown ball they should be out on the ice. And if they are not on the ice, there must not be enough ice.
Unfortunately for Gail, an actual zoologist named Dr. Susan Crockford, whose contact with walrus is not limited to swanky progressive fundraisers where running out of ice is verboten, thinks that this effort by Collins, the WWF, and other envrio-nutjobs, is blatant nonsense.
In the non-reproductive season (late summer and fall) walruses tend to migrate away from the ice and form massive aggregations of tens of thousands of individuals on rocky beaches or outcrops.
I never took Common Core Math but 35,000 sounds a lot like tens of thousands to me, and it doesn’t just sound like it feels like it too; which means the Walrus and Joe Biden share something in common. Joe is just being Joe, the Walrus are just being Walrus. Coo coo ca-choo.
But as much fun as Joe Biden might be at at a fundraiser–ask him to tell you the story about the time they ran out of ice–he’s probably never modified a Wikipedia entry in expectation of protecting the media’s coordinated institutionalization of another lie about global warming, not that he even knows what Wikipedia is or how to find it on that internet thingy. But someone else altered it.
Walruses have always swarmed on land during the fall. This is called a “haulout.” In 2007, Wikipedia said, in its entry on walruses:
In the non-reproductive season (late summer and fall) walruses tend to migrate away from the ice and form massive aggregations of tens of thousands of individuals on rocky beaches or outcrops.
That portion of the walrus entry was recently deleted. Hmm, wonder why?
Someone deleted an historical and zoological fact, observed and well documented for centuries, from a high ranking search resource people might find easily if they did not want to just take Gail Collins, WWF, and the People-hating brain-eating Climate Zombies at their word, right about the time the climate zombies and one of the liberal columnists (packed shoulder to shoulder at the New York Times) start implying that the walrus are huddled on the beaches because there’s not enough ice.
What a crazy coincidence that is. I bet even a climate computer model model like Al Gore couldn’t have predicted that would happen.