Blood For Obama

Carpet-bombingI think this title is useful in these circumstances because if requires the left to come to terms with their entire worldview.

White House Obama exempts Syria airstrikes from tight standards on civilian deaths.

The White House has acknowledged for the first time that strict standards President Obama imposed last year to prevent civilian deaths from U.S. drone strikes will not apply to U.S. military operations in Syria and Iraq.

A White House statement to Yahoo News confirming the looser policy came in response to questions about reports that as many as a dozen civilians, including women and young children, were killed when a Tomahawk missile struck the village of Kafr Daryan in Syria’s Idlib province on the morning of Sept. 23.

To their credit, there will be anti-war lefties who are appalled.  The problem, however, is that the palace guards in the media, and most if not all of the Democrat political establishment, will continue to run cover for their guy.  Nothing they have ever said before will apply.

The morale of the story?  Democrats do not give a sh*t about anything but power.

There is no change you can believe in.

Democrats do not want change, and certainly not if it means they have to answer for their own behavior.   It’s always out of their hands or someone elses fault.

They don’t care about tissues, or advocacy or anything at all except political power.  They do not care about women, their  health, Rape, gays, minorities, people who are bullied,  or even children.   You are all props.  All they care about is power.  As long as you can be divided into one of these groups to keep them in power, you are useful to them.  The moment you no longer serve their ends you are the enemy, a bitch,  an Uncle Tom, a turncoat, anti-worker, a shill for (insert name here), a racist, a hater, and anti-government.

Loosing the policy on killing civilians is just one more example.   Obama can’t execute a war he never should have had to fight, so instead he’ll drop bombs and bombs and more bombs,  Dropping bombs kills people.  Killing people is what war is about but he’s Barack Obama.  He can’t be expected to limit himself by the rules that he or his party (and his media) use against political opponents.  They might lose political power.  So Obama has changed the rules for himself.

Civilians, yeah- we might kill some of them, but not to worry.  It wont be used to recruit more terrorists, that only happens to Republican Presidents.  Besides, what civilian casualties?  There were no civilian casualties.  Even though we said it was OK, there were none, not that we can prove.   That is just right wing racist hate speech against our beloved leader.  (We’ll just send Homeland and the IRS around to have a talk with them, you will see.)

Changing the rules is what Obama has done his entire presidency (maybe his entire life?).  And everyone on the left has changed with him, all to protect Obama.  That is why he can abuse executive authority, ignore the constitution or laws he doesn’t like, and  can enforce the ones he needs to against those that make him look bad or are a threat to Obama’s power.

Nine Trillion in debt is a crime against future generations.  Eighteen Trillion is not even news-worthy.  Their hearts are in the right place.  They mean well.    And all that corruption, cronyism, the scandals and boondoggles, just ignore that…means nothing.  Nothing we can’t fix with an even bigger budget and a larger (and more corrupt) government.  Just give us another chance, you’ll see.

Sending the IRS after opponents is a small thing in the grand scale if you think about it.  After all, they ran guns into Mexico to arm drug lords who killed some Americans, and–ironically enough, a lot of their own civilians.  But it was for a good cause.  Democrats needed to prove that American guns were in fact being used by Mexican drug lords to kill people and if they hadn’t gotten caught it would have worked.  They would have made their own lie truth.  Would have.

Take note.  Civilians died. Brown civilians.  Brown, ethnic civilians.   Democrats did not care.  From leadership to the Non-profits, to the average Democrat voter, they bought and resold the party line to hide an incompetently run Administration scam whose sole purpose was to create the political will to advance their anti-gun agenda.   An army of franchisees, pushing the McNarrative, defended Obama and Holder, and now it is time for a sequel.

Obama might need to kill some more civilians so he is softening up the policy.  Will Democrats like the sequel?

Our enemy has no honor.  They hide themselves and their weapons among civilians.  They always have.  And Killing civilians should be avoided in war, whenever possible, but avoiding them at the expense of the objective is something Democrats demand to sully political opponents reputations.

Neither Republicans nor their presidents are permitted to cite that fact when executing a strategy, a  hurdle that has always caused the attackers to lose more of their lives than they would have otherwise.   Modern Democrats have been diligent about punishing Republican presidents with rules of engagement that always managed to place more American bodies at the doorstep of their opponent.  But now that Obama and all the Democrats who fell for the light-bringer’s schtick are faced with a significant terrorist threat that (rhetoric be praised) should not even exist under the gaze of he who will bring the world together in peace and harmony, the rules must be changed.

Obama (and Democrat leadership) will do anything to avoid sending in ground troops so don’t be surprised if this rules-change is not the first step in a party-wide transformation at the end of which the left discovers a moral imperative for carpet bombing.  It could become the next big thing for Democrats.  Just you wait and see. They’ll have T-shirts, mugs at the OFA store, maybe even a onesie for the little organizers.  My mailbox will fill with emails from the DCCC, and assorted fellow travelers, imploring me to send three dollars (several times a day) to help them stop the Republicans (or some supposed RINO the left is describing as a TEA Party candidate) from obstructing Obama’s carpet bombing campaign in Syria and Iraq, whether they are trying to stop it or not.

If that doesn’t work it will give the spin-masters time to come up with a new term for sending thousands of troops into an Obama-made contingency operation in the middle east, that will not be referred to as boots on the ground.

There will be boots.  There will be ground.  There will be blood.  But it wont be the same thing.  Not under Obama.

And body counts, like the terminally unemployed in America, the growing numbers on welfare, the homeless–will not exist on your TV screens or in your newspapers, not that they have since the immaculation.  No one will die, but if they do, it will be someone elses fault.

In the mean time, there will be bombing, and civilians will die, and Americans will manage to get in harms way, and there will be blood, and it may be necessary to secure peace in the world from another band of bad guys looking to secure a nations form which to hold the rest of the world ransom,, but  let us be sure to call this rule-changing, man-caused disaster what it is…

Blood for Obama.

This is, after all, about nothing else.  They don’t care about ISIS, or ISIL, or an Islamic state, or Syria, or Iraq.  All they care about is optics, political posturing, and staying in power.  If they have to kill a few more civilians to do that, so be it.




  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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