The Shaheen’s are HUGE Clinton family values fans. They were all-in for Hillary in 2008 when Clinton Campaign co-chair Bill “We vote like a village” Shaheen took a hit for the party by making generalizations about Barack Obama and his relationship with illegal drugs. (Racist of him, right?)
And now Hillary (Mrs. Bill “Hide he Bimbo Eruptions”) Clinton is out walking the per-campaign ropes, working the salted earth Obama has left in his wake, for signs of a presidential life. Given past and current associations, and likely future full-throated support, it seems only proper (and necessary) for New Hampshire business owners to ask Jeanne Shaheen if she agrees with Mrs Clinton…
“Don’t let anybody tell you that it’s corporations and businesses that create jobs,” — Hillary Clinton.
Business owners and corporations in New Hampshire, do you create jobs?
Senator Shaheen, you toe the party-leader line as well as any Party Boss. Are you on-board with Warrenism, and Clinton’s Marxist ruminations? Are you telling New Hampshire’s many businesses owners–“the backbone of our state economy”–that they do not create jobs?
Governor Hassan! You are also a huge Clinton family fan. What about you?
Failing to refute such a statement (under NH Democrat Party Rules) assumes your complete agreement with that remark.
Until further notice we will presume you agree and do our best to ensure that every business owner in New Hampshire knows it before election day.