Someone donated 2800 Constitutions to the Windham public School District but the Windham NH school board didn’t want them at first.
@GraniteGrok Windham School Board Vote NO 3-2
on a donation of 2800 U.S. Constitution handbooks for Constitution Day May @Michelle4NH— Bruce R.Breton (@bbretonwindham) September 17, 2014
At some point later on the board changed course, accepting the donation on a 5-0 vote with the understanding that they were not required to hand them out.
Accepted a donation of 2800 U.S. Constitution handbooks but do not have to pass them out !
— Bruce R.Breton (@bbretonwindham) September 17, 2014
What, no chairs or tables need leveling? No doors wedged open? (If you fold them a time or two they can make handy door-stops.)
Surely there is a pilot light in the school kitchens that blows out at the most inopportune times and needs to be re-lit?
No allusions here about them ever being used as a tool for civic instruction
(Maybe they’d have felt better about it if someone donated NERF® constitutions instead?)