Warming To Marxism

Steve MacDonald

Communist_Party_USA_(Alternate_Logo)Any large gathering of those advocating left wing ideas is likley to result in filth, violence, ignorance, celebrities, hypocrites, and Marxists.  (Sorry if I was at all redundant just then.) The Great March for Climate Action, It’s “The People’s Climate” after all, did not disappoint.

There appear to be two strains of protesters who attended the People’s March. Some cling desperately to the ideals of Marx and who repeat rhetoric and slogans which have largely remained unchanged since the Rutherford B. Hayes administration. These folks ironically consider themselves “progressives.” The other strain of protester who spoke with Foster seemed lost, misplaced, left behind in a world which no longer made much sense.               

(Me: See the video in the side-bar of the full post)

Hot Air

That wasn’t all the press failed to cover.  This was actually a nearly year long series of events, heavily promoted by ‘People’s World’ and the Communist Party USA.

While the organizers (Of the Climate March)  claim a focused message, their list of participants and endorsers represents a varied coalition of all sorts of left-wing grievance groups from Berkeley to Greenwich Village — from Physicians for Social Responsibility to the United Teachers of Los Angeles to something called the Committee of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism.

Yet, shrewdly not listed among the supporters at the Climate March website is Communist Party USA. This must be a savvy PR move by the organizers, given that America’s communists and socialists are enthusiastically involved and doing their part to promote the march. On Monday, The Blaze published a piece with a bunch of photos and videos of Marxists and socialists at the New York City gathering. This included demonstrators from Occupy Wall Street, from the socialist publication, The Militant, and from the International Socialist Organization. The latter hoisted placards declaring, “FIGHT FOR A SOCIALIST FUTURE,” “CAPITALISM IS DESTROYING THE PLANET … WE NEED REVOLUTION, NOTHING LESS,” and more.

The website of CPUSA has a link to the march under the headline “People’s World: The people, Wall Street, and the planetary emergency.”

Particularly vigorous in pumping the People’s Climate March is People’s World, successor to the Daily Worker and the house publication of Communist Party USA. As I write, there are no less than eight articles on the march at the website of the flagship communist publication. These include the two lead articles in the rotating window at the site.

c/o american Thinker

And you can’t get Marxist brick-throwers together without some aassorted violence, which there was along with cop-hating and the like, but did anyone bother to ask if that guy who breached the White House, the one with the “800 rounds of ammunition in his car” which we all heard about, was part of the show?

The U.S. Army veteran/weather change conspiracy theorist that successfully breached the White House last week had multiple contacts with law enforcement that may suggest the Secret Service should have talked to him far sooner than after he made it through the front door of the First Family’s residence. …

Gonzalez reportedly told the Secret Service that he needed to talk to the President over concerns that the Earth’s atmosphere might collapse do to human activity. Yeah.

Bearing Arms.com

Did you miss that point from the media coverage of that incident?  I bet you did.

Meanwhile, in the real world, real science has discovered something that should warm Senator Shaheen and Governor Maggie Hassan’s hypocritical oil rich heart(s)….

Funded by the National Science Foundation and Duke University, a team of scientists at Ohio State and other universities conducted extensive research into the purported link between groundwater pollution and fracking. (The full title of the report, available online, is “Noble Gases Identify the Mechanisms of Fugitive Gas Contamination in Drinking-Water Wells Overlying the Marcellus and Barnett Shales.”)…

Among the 130 wells studied, the researchers found only a subset of cases, including seven in Pennsylvania and one in Texas, in which faulty well construction or cementing was to blame for the seepage of gases into groundwater. According to Professor Avner Bengosh of Duke University, “[t]hese results appear to rule out the migration of methane up into drinking water aquifers from depth because of horizontal drilling or hydraulic fracturing.” That is to say, in the rare cases where it occurs, gases are entering the water supply from outside the borehead as a result of faulty well construction or poor cementing, both of which are manageable problems.

c/o American Thinker

Climate Change is like gay marriage.  It was never about that.  In the case of climate, it is about bringing down capitalism, just ask the sponsors and supporters.

Such is the tone throughout the Climate March coverage at People’s World, which is clearly invigorated by this latest handy manifestation of the class struggle. As one of the articles at the website puts it, the debate over climate change “is ultimately not just a matter of tinkering with our technology and regulatory practices: Climate change is a challenge to the capitalist system itself.”

c/o American Thinker



  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of GraniteGrok.com, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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