While Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders talks Marxist redistributionist theory to Unions who pay no taxes, Venezuela is showing us the end result of years of policies Senator Sanders pines for in the US.
Venezuela’s oil production, which accounts for 95 percent of the country’s export earnings, should be used in world classrooms as a textbook case of what happens when a populist government starts distributing a country’s wealth in cash subsidies, without investing in maintenance and innovation. Much like happened with Cuba’s once flourishing sugar industry, Venezuela’s Chávez-inspired populism has destroyed the goose that laid the golden eggs.
In 1999, when Chávez took office, PDVSA had 51,000 employees and produced 63 barrels of crude a day per employee. Fifteen years later, PDVSA had 140,000 employees, and produced 20 barrels of crude a day per employee, according to an Aug. 14 report by the France Press news agency.
The US has a parallel example in public education. The number of public school employees has exploded over the years as have budgets while performance has barely moved, and in many places spiraled downward.
Another example is the US Economy. Democrats doubled the national debt on stimulus, so-called jobs programs, green economy boondoggles, and more, all to “buy our way out” of problems created by the government interfering with the marketplace. The economy stalled long go and will stay stalled–even while the government and the media rearranges the deck chairs–until it also spirals downward.
The only ting that ever grows and expands under Democrats/Socialists is the size and cost of government. Everything else is a socialist progressive model for society is grist for that mill.