Scott Brown is on the record supporting out-of-state voters stuffing New Hampshire ballot boxes and robbing you of your local voice. This has been the NH Democrat strategy for years, one we’ve been trying to expose at great length on these pages. (Just search ‘vote fraud’ for 10 pages of articles on the Grok.)
Brown told Boston’s own Howie Carr that out-of-state supporters should just “come on over” and vote for him anyway.
Brown made the comment last week during a radio interview on Carr’s WRKO 680 show, when a person with a Connecticut area code phone number asked why people should vote for Brown.
The campaign has come out and said he was joking.
He was not. And you know, as well as I, that all the establishment Republican out-of-state campaign staffers will be pulling for Brown in the primary, just as if they were the Democrat staffers pulling for Shaheen come the general.
Before you deny it (again), understand this. We can, and will, find out if you lied and we will report it when we do.
WRKO audio on the jump.