Ohio State – You Must First Agree on “Why You Want to Have Sex”

Steve MacDonald
Is this sexual assault?  Ask the Geniuses at Ohio State.
Is this sexual assault? Ask the Geniuses at Ohio State.

You’ve probably heard the phrase “so stupid only an intellectual could think of it”?

Here you go.”

At Ohio State University, to avoid being guilty of “sexual assault” or “sexual violence,” you and your partner now apparently have to agree on the reason WHY you are making out or having sex.  It’s not enough to agree to DO it, you have to agree on : there has to be agreement “regarding the who, what, where, when, why, and how this sexual activity will take place.”

Why do college students want to have sex?  It feels good?  Everyone else was doing it?   It was the tequila?  Years of cultural Marxism from the education establishment promoting promiscuity, sexual exploration, sodomy, multiple partners, access to contraceptives…(while attacking abstinence, monogamy, and traditional marriage)?

Wait.  There’s more….

Ohio State applies an impractical “agreement” requirement to not just sex, but also to a much broader category of  “touching” that is sexual (or perhaps romantic?) in nature.  First, it states that “sexual assault is any form of non-consensual sexual activity. Sexual assault includes all unwanted sexual acts from intimidation to touching to various forms of penetration and rape.”  Then, it states that “Consent is a knowing and voluntary verbal or non-verbal agreement between both parties to participate in each and every sexual act. . .Conduct will be considered “non-consensual” if no clear consent . . . is given. . . .Effective consent can be given by words or actions so long as the words or actions create a mutual understanding between both parties regarding the conditions of the sexual activity–ask, ‘do both of us understand and agree regarding the who, what, where, when, why, and how this sexual activity will take place?’”

You submit an agreed upon “verbal or non-verbal” flight pattern in advance and any deviation is rape.

And no one will refute the verbal or non verbal ‘romantic’ contract post ‘walk of shame?’  No future slight will change the understanding between parties at the time the ‘flight plan’ was executed?

Talk about a stupid liberal idea.  This accomplishes nothing.  It might make matters worse.

From the minds of intellectuals…

Does anyone else find it amusing that the free-love hippies and their white-tower Padawans find themselves confronted with the product of decades of their own defense of cultural over-sexualization, anti-abstinence, moral relativism, and secular humanism?

They fought tooth and nail to keep religion and morality out of the equation.  They separated sex from marriage (even monogamous per-marital sex came under attack).  They separated sex from child-bearing.  They promoted conception to live-birth abortion to ensure that pleasure was and is the primary pursuit of intercourse.  They not only (advocated for or) handed out birth control from the earliest possible age (and eventually the morning after pill), they convinced them that if other people objected to paying for their contraception they were prudes and sexist bigots out to get them.

The left also fought tort reform while fomenting the lawfare culture that trains the “leaders of tomorrow” to use the courts to ‘right’ any perceived slight.  And now they are so overwhelmed with accusations of sexual assault on campus as a result of their own cultural agenda that this is the best they can come up with?

Another part of the enlightened liberal culture?  Are we saying ‘Hello!’ to the promised sexual utopia?  Will we need documents next, notarized, retained for seven years, subject to random audit? We’re here from the IRS.  We need to review your actual sexual history, not the one we forced your doctor to document to keep their practice.

We know this latest policy will only make matters worse.

Actual victims are not helped by any of this.  They will continue to get lost in the din of he-said, she-said manufactured wrongs, pushed through the maze of loopholes inherent in the so-called solution, and left wanting.

The left’s culture war has placed generations of women in harms way; boots on the ground, ill equipped, and poorly armed, with no rules for engagement.  Efforts by the same left to create new rules (to address between-the-sheets contingency operations) only make matters worse, stranding the troops behind enemy lines, while the left wage a propaganda campaign to blame anyone but themselves for the circumstances that decades of bad policy have produced.

Why do college students want to have sex?

Because it was what you wanted for them, and abstinence was never an option.



  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of GraniteGrok.com, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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