NH Cannot Protect Your Vote
Do You Even Give A Damn?

Steve MacDonald

I-dont-always-vote-in-NHAnyone, from anywhere, can vote here.  Anyone.  From anywhere.  Any Election.  They don’t even have to show up.   They just need to provide an address, a domicile du jour, no strings attached, and they get to cast a ballot in your town.

How?  New Hampshire Democrats as a matter of policy, a series of New Hampshire AG’s as a matter of political preference, and one of the worst court systems in the nation, have all conspired to rob the state of its sovereignty, to put into question the legitimacy of every local vote, to deny every actual resident of their right to choose their representatives or to have a voice in local politics, and robbed every taxpayer of any semblance of control over how they are taxed and for what purpose.

Anyone, from anywhere, can vote here.  Anyone.

These “anyones” do not live here, and do not want to live here, but they are happy to vote here (mostly at the behest of Democrats) to steal your money, decide local priorities, pick your local and federal representatives, decide what warrants or resolutions shall pass and which shall fail, who gets raises and who does not, and how your children will be educated.

They do not even need to make the trip.  They can vote absentee from “any address in New Hampshire,” from anywhere in the world.   All they need is a a postage stamp, an absentee ballot, and the most threadbare claim to any address in the Granite State.  It doesn’t even need to be an actual address.  They can invent an address by picking a number and putting it front of the name of any road in your town.

It’s been done, and nothing has ever been done about it.

Your votes are being erased in every single New Hampshire election and your state government not only sanctions but defends these thefts.  This will continue until you do something to stop it.

Now, we’ve provided dozens of examples here of this already–just search Vote Fraud or Voter Fraud for the catalog.  Ed Naile and CNHT have been at this for years.  Rich Girard, at Girard at large, has done Yoeman’s work in Manchester trying to clean up voter lists, and in general to make this problem known.

If you still are not sure, the latest story to cross my desk might just help you see the scope of the problem we face.

In October of 2012 a couple in New Boston was alarmed to discover that there were other people registered to vote from their home.  The previous residents, whom they purchased the home from in 1990, were all listed as registered voters, three from their address, and a fourth (related to the other three) from a neighboring address on the same street.

One of those registered voters was Robert H. Rickey.  The other three were his underage children, all toddlers in 1990 when they sold the home.  Two of these toddlers had since registered (or been registered) to vote from the home they never lived in as voting age adults.  The third toddler has since registered at a neighboring address, where he has never lived.

Requests by the current New Boston residents to have those names removed from the New Boston voter checklist were denied by the  keepers of the checklist; Sarah Chapman, Dorothy Marden, and David Murdick.

A formal complaint by the actual residents to the NH AG’s office in 2012, to have the same  names removed from the town checklist, was also denied.


According to the Town US residents can’t vote without a valid address.  Even though the Rickey family had—by all accounts–been living in England since 1990, should they need to vote in New Hampshire they must have a ‘domicile’ to vote from.  This being their last known US address, even though it was (as of this writing, 24 years ago), they could continue to use their old address as “proof of residence” for voting purposes in New Boston.

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot does not even begin to explain this.

The Town claims that this is what the State told them they must do.

I am told the that the response from the NH AG to the complaint, regulatory agents appointed to enforce laws to protect the sanctity of your vote and all the fiscal and political power it grants, was that because the “English” voters live in England and have to use some address in New Hampshire to vote, everything is legal about this arrangement.

This is not a joke.  Not even when you consider that all three adult children are on the voter rolls in England.

1) Your state either has no laws to protect your vote, or they don’t want to protect it.

2) Most of the research indicates the super-majority of non-residents stealing your votes are registering or voting Democrat, often using the addresses of elected Democrats to vote from.

3) Non-resident voters are voting absentee from outside the state using in-state addresses (often addresses of elected NH Democrats).

4) Any and every effort to correct this is (and will be) demagogued by Democrats and their fellow travelers as vote suppression.

5) Real New Hampshire Voters® need to be educated and encouraged to stand up, turn out, and vote for candidates who will stop this insanity.

6) November 2014  is the time to start.

No one in their right mind could possibly believe that 24 year residents of England must be permitted to vote from your home because they lived there in the previous century.  But that is where we are.  Foreigners, transients, college kids who pay out of state-tuition, and swing state window-shopping Democrats are free to vote here from anywhere.  All they need is an address.  Any address.  And they will continue to decide your issues, budgets, and who represents you (they will choose Democrats), and the NH AG is not going to prosecute them; and the people looking to steal your votes and your elections know that.

What are you prepared to do about it?

The first thing you can do is go out on election day and vote.  Higher legitimate resident turn-out can and will trump non-resident voters.   Even if you don’t think it is a problem, by voting you will help ensure your towns actual voice is heard.

Second, vote for candidates who are not giving your votes away to foreigners and non-residents.

Third, support those candidates when they stand up for your rights against Democrats who allow non-residents to choose your representatives and spend your tax dollars against your will.

Finally, educate your friends and neighbors about the truth.  Share this story and others and talk about the impact this could have on your town budgets and local warrants.

If you do not protect your vote someone else will take it and use it to decide your political future, possibly from you own address, and you can’t do a damn thing about it until you vote for people who will try and change it.

So what are you prepared to do about it?


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at GraniteGrok.com. Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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