Some guy recently tried to burn out a black Democrat Congressman’s office.
You missed that story? He’s a white guy who tried to firebomb a black mans office. Not just any black man. Congressman Emanuel Cleaver’s office.
Can you guess why it’s not in the full 24/7 outrage rotation on MSNBC, CNN, and leading the nightly news every night, between now and the November elections, as a litmus for the kind of violent and intolerant people who……
The silence gives it away, yes?
Twenty-eight year old Eric King is an anti-capitalist, anti-war, anti-globalist, Occupy Wall Street wannabe. (No Tea in sight.)
Sorry, no Rachel Maddow diatribes on the inherent racism of the left. No HuffPo series on the historical prevalence of anti-social behavior or violence perpetrated by anti-capitalist, anti-free-market radicals. No time for ….
…hey, California wildfires! Those are George Bush’s fault!