From Concerned Veterans of America – NH
WHERE: Manchester VA Medical Center, 718 Smyth Road, Manchester, NH
WHEN: Thursday, September 25, 2014, from 2:00-4:00 p.m.
MUST RSVP to Eric Rollins – Public Affairs Officer at or (603) 222-5728. Negative responses are appreciated.
“In line with Secretary McDonald’s directive, the Manchester VA Regional Office will host a town hall for Veterans, Service members, their families and survivors, to discuss non-medical VA benefits. Community members and organizations that assist Veterans with their benefits, as well as the general public are also invited to attend. The town hall will be located at the (Manchester VA Medical Center, 718 Smyth Road, Manchester, NH)
To improve communications with Veterans nationwide, town halls like this one will be conducted at all VA regional offices. These town halls will serve as a forum for beneficiaries to ask questions and raise concerns. Through listening to those we serve, we can identify the areas that are of concern and the areas in which we are succeeding…”
Thank you.
Bradley G. Mayes
Director, VARO Boston, Manchester & White River Junction