Jim Foley: theft, lies, forgery, disbarment and less than honorable discharge

Kimberly Morin


Last night someone posted a document so damning about Jim Foley (running for NH Senate in District 19) that the Windham Republican Town Committee almost instantaneously removed it.  Some on the Windham Committee support Jim Foley.  It’s unfortunate they don’t want voters getting the truth.  Luckily the document is still available 
here [and here: FOLEY ].  Apparently Jim Foley has a lengthy record of crime including forgery, fraud and theft.  The man was less than honorably discharged from the Marines but he was also disbarred from practicing law by the New Hampshire Supreme Court.

The very first item in the document shows that Foley was investigated by the FBI for devising a scheme to defraud and to obtain money, funds, credits, assents and security that were under the control of the MCB Federal Credit Union.  The document gives some details from the testimony of an FBI agent.

Apparently Foley was actually a lawyer as well (funny that’s not in his bio anywhere) and was taken to task about his professional conduct in New Hampshire for stealing from a Legal Clinic he was working for.  Foley was accused (and admitted) lying about the total amount of money each client gave him; taking the extra money for himself and giving the Legal Clinic less than 100% of what was truly earned.

Foley’s excuse for the behavior   at The Legal Clinics was apparently drug abuse.  During the time he was working as a lawyer at the Legal Clinics he decided to join the Marines.  According to court documents he joined Officers Candidate School and was not practicing law.  According to the USMC, Foley lied about his drug use.

Within months of Foley joining the Marines, the NH Supreme Court called for an immediate suspension of his law license for his forging of a letter from the Commandent of the Marine Corp.  According to court documents this happened during an administrative discharge proceeding.  Foley admitted to forging the letter and using letterhead of the department (which he clearly had to have stolen).  He was immediately suspended indefinitely from practicing law in New Hampshire.

At the end of that same year Foley received a petition for disbarment where even more damning information comes out about his criminal enterprise.  In August of 1987 a Captain of the USMC filed a complaint alleging the following about Foley: (page 20 of the document)

Mr. Foley misrepresented his age and history of previous drug abuse on a number of official government forms.

Mr. Foley falsely claimed his father’s social security number and assets as his own and also used his father’s income tax return in support of a credit application.

Mr. Foley submitted three forged letters to a Marine Corps board of inquiry.

Not only is this entire report disturbing on many levels but Foley has the nerve to tout his Marine Corps service when he in fact lied to get into Officers Candidate School; forged documents using a Marine Corps Administrator’s name and then was less than honorably discharged within what looks to be a year.   It’s insulting to all Veterans who actually served honorably that he even mentions his “service”.  It’s despicable that he ever claims to have been a Marine.

On top of that you see nowhere in his bio that he was ever a lawyer.  He apparently practiced law for 4 years before finally being disbarred for his egregious conduct.  What’s truly frightening is he also claims to be involved in several charity organizations; this after he stole from The Legal Clinics.  Foley is also the Chairman of the Derry Republican Committee.  How many on that board knew of Foley’s past? Have they checked their books lately?

Clearly Jim Foley is a serial liar and continues today.  As stated in the document, who knows what other records exist about him out there.  These are obviously not isolated incidences that occurred.  Foley continues to lie by claiming he was a Marine (lying to get into Officer Candidate School and getting less than honorably discharged within a year does not make one a Marine).

His supporters tout his service as a Marine as well.  They may very well not have known about Foley’s despicable past but they certainly will now. During the recent District 19 debate in Windham, it was clear that Foley is clueless about legislation and the legislative procedures.  He claims the NH Senate needs leadership.  Leaders that are despicable serial liars? That’s usually reserved for the Democrat Party.  All voters in Derry, Hampstead and Windham need to know the truth about Foley before casting their votes in the September 9th primary next week.   This man is a disgrace and shouldn’t even be allowed in the state house never mind sitting in a NH Senate seat.

Cross-posted from Examiner


  • Kimberly Morin

    Kimberly Morin is a political activist in the Granite State. She is a lifelong Independent who calls out both sides of the aisle when they screw up. She's a weekly guest on the nationally syndicated radio show, Real Side with Joe Messina, and a frequent flyer on The Independence Gang.

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