“Gary Lambert is no friend of law abiding gun owners…”

Ruh roh...
Ruh roh…

From the New Hamsphire Firearms Coalition early this morning:

Dear NHFC Members and Friends,

When the NHFC grades politicians, there will inevitably be those who, like Former State Senator Gary Lambert, will try to obscure their anti-gun record.  I want to set the record straight, and tell you directly why we believe Former Senator Lambert is no friend to firearms owners.

Former State Senator Gary Lambert doesn’t like his D – rating. He says he supports the Second Amendment.  The official records of the New Hampshire Senate say otherwise.

While a one-term State Senator in 2012, Gary Lambert voted AGAINST your civil right to own firearms 5 out of 6 times. Lets examine the record in detail:

  • February 8, 2012, HB 334, Lambert voted to uphold the gun ban at UNH. Apparently, Gary Lambert does not think that UNH students have a right to self defense. If your son or daughter was attending UNH would you want them to be able to defend themselves without risk of expulsion from the university?
  • February 8, 2012, HB 194, Lambert voted with other anti gun State Senators to prohibit the carriage of loaded long arms in cars. Suppose you are leaving the range and you forget to unload your magazine?  Gary Lambert thinks that should be a crime.
  • May 2, 2012, HB 1611, Lambert voted to continue to require dealers to obtain a separate New Hampshire handgun sellers license in addition to a Federal Firearms License.  These licenses add costs and fees to dealers and thus raise the price of guns you may be buying.  The license is antiquated and no longer needed.
  • May 2, 2012 HB 536, Lambert voted to weaken a Vermont style carry bill.
  • May 9, 2012 HB 1341, Lambert voted against owners of backyard shooting ranges.  So if you live in a so called compact zone, no matter the size of your backstop, in Gary Lambert’s view you should not be able to target shoot on your own property.

We have been sending these points to anyone who has questioned our D rating.  Some people have reported back to us that Gary Lambert is claiming these were all voice votes and that his voice voted NO.

Senator Lambert is being creative with the facts.

We were there, and we remember exactly how he failed gun owners.  There was no recorded roll call vote or written objection in the Senate Journal. The audio tape of the Senate Sessions and NHFC Board Members in the balcony confirm that Mr. Lambert did not utter a word of objection. Former Senator Lambert’s name is not listed in the Senate Journal as being opposed to killing these pro gun bills that were passed by the New Hampshire House of Representatives.

Use the link I provided above to go to the official NH Senate Journals; you will see other Senators objecting to the motions on the floor but not Gary Lambert.  Mr. Lambert made no effort to keep these pro-gun bills alive.

What did happen is that the Senate killed these bills, by sending them to something called “interim study”. In the second year of a legislative session, this effectively kills a bill.  If Gary Lambert were as pro-gun as he claims, when the “interim study” motion was made, he would have offered his own motion for something called “ought to pass”.  But he didn’t make such a motion, because as I said in my last email, Gary Lambert is an anti-gun politician.

I have also been told that Mr. Lambert claims that a roll-call vote on HB 536 shows he voted pro-gun. HB 536 was the Constitutional carry bill (also called Vermont-style carry).  Indeed, as the roll call record shows, he first voted in favor of a committee amendment that gutted the bill’s core pro-gun provisions, and then he voted not to kill the useless anti-gun monstrosity that bill (as amended) had become.  Does that sound to you like something a pro-gun Senator would have done?

The New Hampshire Firearms Coalition carefully compiles voting records of all elected officials.  We use those records to assign letter grades. Additionally, we send a survey to all candidates for public office. The survey asks specific questions related to Second Amendment rights.  We also provide space on the form for candidates to provide additional information to us.  This year, Mr. Lambert did not return a completed survey even though he personally signed for the certified mail envelope that contained our survey.  In most cases failure to respond usually indicates open hostility to the Second Amendment.

I hope this clears the record and demonstrates that Gary Lambert is no friend of law abiding gun owners like you and me.

Thanks for your support.
In Liberty
Scott A. Krauss
Vice President – NHFC”



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