Governor 249 of 301 Precincts Reporting WMUR just called the race for Havenstein
Havenstein 56%
Hemingway 37%
US Senate Race 249 of 301 Precincts Reporting WMUR has just called the race for Brown
Brown 50%
Rubens 23%
Smith 22%
NH CD-1 91 of 113 Precincts Reporting UR has just called the race for Guinta
Guinta 49%
Innis 41%
Kelly 8%
NH CD-2 156 of 188 Precincts Reporting WMUR has just called the race for Garcia
Garcia 50%
Lambert 26%
Lawrence 19%
Executive Council – District 4 (26/30)
Adams 41%
Burns 59%
Executive Council – District 5 (35/41) Hattamer concedes to Wheeler
Hattamer 32%
Wheeler 68%
State Senate District 8 (22/24) WMUR has called the race for Little
Little 70%
Marzullo 30%
State Senate District 11 (4/4) Gary Daniels wins (unofficial)
Daniels 39%
Dwyer 14%
Hynes 16%
Mooney 31%
State Senate District District 12 (7/9)
Avard 54%
McCarthy 46%
State Senate District District 16 (5/7)
Boutin 54%
Cormier 46%
State Senate District 19 (2/3) WMUR has just called the race for Birdsell
Birdsell 46%
Foley 27%
Sapareto 27%
State Senate District 24 (8/11)
Kenda 31%
Stiles 69%