Democrat State Rep Arrested on 19 Counts of Vote Fraud

Steve MacDonald
No matter where you happen to be or how many of them you cast.
No matter where you happen to be or how many of them you cast.

Need proof that you can’t just vote anywhere you feel like it?  There’s a US Supreme Court Case that Indiana won to prevent non-residents from stealing votes, but if you’d like something more recent, we’ve got this – much closer to home.

(Christina “Tita”) Ayala allegedly voted in various Bridgeport (CT) Democratic Town Committee elections, a municipal primary election and a state primary election between 2009 and 2012 in districts inconsistent with the location of her residence, according to the release. She is also accused of voting in the Bridgeport state general election in 2012 in a district where she didn’t live.

Where she didn’t live?  I wonder how they figured out where she did live?   Drivers license? An address on a paycheck?  The address at the bank where she puts that check?   The address on her tax returns?  That place they send the letter to call her jury duty?

These are all things that define your domicile… except in New Hampshire, where for voting purposes you are invited to erase the votes of people who do get their tax bills, and file their tax returns, and get statements from the bank, which is also the address on their drivers license–an actual address in New Hampshire.

By the way, vote fraud may be  family business for the Ayala’s.

According to the Connecticut Post, Ayala’s mother, Santa, was also investigated by the Elections Enforcement Commission. The commission also recommended criminal charges be filed against Santa Ayala, the Democratic registrar of voters in Bridgeport, but none have been filed as of Friday.

Christina Ayala was charged with eight counts of fraudulent voting, 10 counts of primary or enrollment violations and one count of tampering with or fabricating physical evidence.

And look, Mom is also a Democrat.  What a surprise.

I wonder if either of them have ever ‘voted’ in New Hampshire?


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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