Nancy Stiles has another mailer out, in which she is sold as a leader who is tough on Liberal Democrats. (I almost spit my coffee out I laughed so hard.)
The mailer obviously says things Republicans would like to hear from or about a candidate but all of that pales next to the one thing about Nancy Stiles they must understand.
Nancy Stiles unwavering commitment to the expansion is the reason why we got saddled with a Medicaid deal in New Hampshire.
Nancy Stiles was 1000% committed to expanding Medicaid in New Hampshire. She was voting for the Democrat expansion plan.
Her unwillingness to support the Republican platform or even a sliver of conservative or Republican principle in opposition to this Federal intrusion, is why we now have it.
She is solely responsible for the inevitable cost increases, unplanned excessive enrollments, declining service and access, and the massive tax increases that will come to our state to pay for it all, even if the Federal Government makes good on its promise.
Stiles did that. Yes, Odell helped her along, but without Stiles, I don’t think Odell makes that vote. And without turncoats Odell ad Stiles there is no Democrat plan that can pass the Republican NH Senate.
If Stiles had been a leader, a tax fighter, a platform Republican who was tough on Liberal Democrats (Bwahahahahaha! – sorry), she would not have been the swing vote that made this dream of Liberal Democrats possible.
History would be right to remember Nancy Stiles as the “Republican” who sold her state down the ‘tax and spend’ river.
If that’s not enough for you to vote her out of office, we can also add this…
She supported the gas tax increase (that Liberal Democrats wanted), voted to create no speech buffer zones (that Liberal Democrats wanted), supported anti-free speech/campaign finance legislation (that Liberal Democrats wanted), and supported anti-gun rights legislation (that Liberal Democrats wanted). She favors top down central planning (that Liberal Democrats want), Common Core (which even teachers hate but Liberal Democrats defend), and is bad on a much longer list of issues we should not even need to go into here.
Nancy Stiles is the Democrat Parties go-to gurl in the Republican Senate to leverage the progressive agenda through what is supposed to be a Republican State Senate. What she is not, is tough on Liberal Democrats.
I have no doubt that Liberal Democrats are even laughing at that line.
Stiles “Takes The Lead”? Sure, in advancing the Liberal Democrat agenda on the Republican Side of the NH State Senate.
The mailer also, by the way, claims she is the 2nd most effective Republican Senator…’ who wrote that, Ray Buckley, the chairman of the New Hampshire Democrat Party?
It claims she knows how to succeed supporting a Republican agenda…when she’s not too busy promoting the Democrat agenda?
“…and she is voting to support Republican ideals of lower taxes, limited government and individual responsibility” (they left out the serial comma), …except when she is voting to raise taxes, expand government, take away natural rights, and trap more people in the welfare state.
Stiles struck the killing blow to New Hampshire. If we fail to save it, she can be remembered (lovingly by Liberal Democrats) as the traitor who took us down.
That’s her legacy. She had best get used to it.
Update – Added image of the mailer…