Democrats must be so proud of Shelia Jackson Lee….
On the House floor Wednesday, longtime Democrat Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee made the startling claim that “We did not seek an impeachment of President Bush, because as an executive, he had the authority.”
Well back in 2008, Rep. Lee co-sponsored House Resolution 1258 entitled “Impeaching George W. Bush, President of the United States, of high crimes and misdemeanors. “
Today I called her Washington office to see if perhaps I was confused, and the representative from Houston was telling the truth. (…). After clearly saying she was not speaking for the congresswoman, when asked about the fact there was a contradiction, she said “We are aware that the congresswoman has made contradicting statements in her remarks on the floor.”
When I pressed, and asked “Not as a representative but just as someone I am talking to, isn’t the fact that she said one thing in 2008 that is totally opposite of what she said yesterday – isn’t that really a lie?” The answer, honest but shocking, was “Yes I think that is a lie.” (Note the quotes are from memory, I didn’t anticipate that I would need to get them on record but I sure wish I had.)
Shelia Jackson Lee’s claim to fame has to be that she is NOT the Democrat Congressperson who asked if the island of Guam would tip over.