Meanwhile Back In Atkinson A Selectman Plays With Himself.


Consentino crotch grabGuess who, after being asked a few simple, embarrassing questions about his private, personal, non-profit for the elderly, went behind the only camera he thought was on and gestured with his crotch at two CNHT members who were asking questions at an Atkinson Selectman’s meeting.

If you guessed former Police Chief and now Selectman Phil Consentino you probably know how Atkinson has been run for the last thirty years.

I have been a tad late in posting articles about the Atkinson Pervert but have freed up a few minutes to expose him again.

Oh, he has his defenders in that crooked little town because he used his police badge for years as a political tool – See the scam going down in Portsmouth for an example of how this works.

This Portsmouth scam perpetrated on an elderly person is an example of what can happen when you let a police officer or chief use his department as a tool in deriving something of value from people he is supposed to protect.

Consentino used his police position and “Elderly Affairs” program to solicit signatures on petitions from within the cruisers turned elderly taxis.

Now he has a defined voter block which has allowed this pervert to sexually harass a female police department employee, walk away free of any charges, and get elected selectman after being fired from the police department.

So here we are Atkinson. The Crotch Master is at it again, a seventy year old acting like a monkey in a cage.

But then again, he was elected to a position that requires him to come out in public once in a while and “expose” himself to the taxpayers. That’s sort of like a monkey in a 91-A cage.

Congratulations Atkinson Brown-nosers.

You have your man in office.

When does the next sexual harassment lawsuit start?

Keep the comedy rolling Phil – the camera is on.


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