The IBEW’s leadership tried to give our left wing Governor, Maggie Hassan, 25,000.00 dollars so you’d be right to ask what their interest is in a Republican candidate for the NH State Senate. That same union officials have given Republican State Senate Candidate Michael McCarthy (Dist 12) $2500.00 dollars so far. And they are not alone.
The Teamster bosses are investing in McCarthy, MA/NNE, the SEA (NH’s local SEIU), and the IUPAT PAC, all unions who rabidly support Democrats and the Democrat agenda, with cash, campaign troops, and other forms of in-kind contributions. Union officials account for almost 60% of McCarthy’s donations as of Aug 20th, and that is without bothering to track individual donors who may be union members.
McCarthy has to represent something to the Union officials/Democrat agenda for them to invest so much in his campaign, and that should send up more than few red flags for Republican primary voters next Tuesday.
How about one more red flag, if you still need it?
Disgraced, retiring state senator Bob ‘ObamaCare’ Odell, ran away from the electorate rather than pay any political price for advancing a laundry list of significant progressive agenda items, but he’s not gone. (Don’t forget that Odell’s lining up with Nancy Stiles to adamantly embrace parts of ObamaCare is what made stopping Medicaid expansion virtually impossible for New Hampshire.)
Odell has given a lump of cash from his campaign war-chest to Michael McCarthy, presumably because he emulates Odell’s Republican ‘values.’ Values like, Higher gas taxes, less free speech, attacking the right to self-defense, massive federal health care expansions, and the broad-based taxes we will get even if the feds don’t renege on their funding promises — which they will because they are 17 trillion in debt and ass-hats like Odell keep hitching New Hampshire to the Fed’s horseless cart!
Between Odell and the unions their investment is around 90% of McCarthy’s campaign donations so far. Money with liberal baggage McCarthy seems more than willing to take on.
I think this kind of Progressive cash commitment casts a huge shadow over Michael McCarthy and his primary bid.
Unions are the biggest defenders and funding sources for the left-wing agenda; from abortion, to immigration, to bail outs, rent-seeking, cronyism, central planning, forced unionization, the green agenda, card-check, trade-protectionism, the decline in state sovereignty with the increase in federal regulatory power, regional planning, fairness doctrine, health care mandates, erosion of speech rights, anti-second amendment legislation, all of it.
None of that is, I remind you, in the Republican platform.
And Unions march for Democrats against that Republican platform, intimidate opponents, beat up grassroots activists, protest in front of homes and businesses, and spend billions nationally to keep Democrats in office.
What Republican in their right mind would want to be seen as embracing that?
Michael McCarthy, for one.