Citizens for A Strong New Hampshire got an answer from the Internal Revenue Service on a Freedom of Information Request they made. Sorry, we can’t comply with the law. If you don’t want to wait (indefinitely?), you can just sue us.
August 21, 2014 (Manchester, NH) – On July 23rd, the Internal Revenue Service responded to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request made by Citizens for a Strong New Hampshire on June 24, 2014. The request was issued based on the IRS’s supposed lost emails on their irrevocably damaged computers.
In the letter, the IRS writes that they will not be able comply with our request in the ‘20 business-day period’ as required by law. Also, they extend the response period for an additional 10 days, as allowed by statute. What’s even worse, the letter continues stating the need for even more time and illegally extends that period until October 23, 2014. It then goes on to inform us that we can file suit after August 6, 2014.
Which is no big deal unless you don’t happen to have your own money printing machine in the basement and the power to destroy anyone who dares challenge you….
Here is a link to the IRS letter.
Citizens for A Strong NH has also called on Senator Jeanne “I asked the IRS to Persecute Conservative Groups” Shaheen, and Carol “I’m just here to vote Democrat” Shea Porter to stand against this obvious obstruction by a Federal Agency, who just happens to have a union that donates to both of their political campaigns.
These calls have gone ‘unanswered.’
I’m sure i has nothing to do with campaign money, or Senators asking Agencies to use force to silence political speech, etc., etc…