All Goffstown ‘Republican’ Candidates Should Just Take A Pledge or Two…or Three….

Steve MacDonald
Andrew Hemingway takes CNHT Pledge
You could take the CNHT Pledge Like this gentleman did…

I’ve been having an invigorating debate on Facebook with Pam Manney about some candidates running as Republicans in Goffstown.  I like Pam, but I think we’re just going to have to disagree on a few things.  She seems to think I am making claims without evidence, particularly with regard to candidate Barbara Griffin.  I guess years of checklists showing her voting Democrat in primaries and General elections is not evidence.

Like I said, we’ll have to agree to disagree.

But I do have some suggestions that might help the ‘”Republicans” she is supporting clear up any concerns.

How about these three ‘Republicans,’ that she is backing put their ideology where the people can see it?  Don’t just say you stand for something or oppose something.

Reach out to CNHT and take the taxpayer pledge.

Take the AFP pledge and complete and submit the AFP’s survey.

It would also be great if they took (if they have not already) surveys from other groups in NH, including the pro-life, Right to Work, and second amendment groups.  Are they pro second amendment?  Are they pro life?  Do they support right to work, where are they on state run gambling. What is their position on anti-speech legislation like SB1120?

Saying you oppose broad based taxes isn’t enough.  Publicly embrace and share the CNHT and AFP Pledges.

Does anyone know where they stand on RGGI, which is a carbon scheme managed outside the state that can tax us more without legislators ever casting a vote?  Even moderate Republicans who support the idea of funding energy efficiency projects should oppose the mechanics behind RGGI.

How do they feel about regional planning commissions?  These unelected cabals are given power to regulate and spend tax dollars without the votes or voices of local or state level elected officials, or their constituents.  This scheme is similar to RGGI in the way it subverts the power of taxpayers to effect change.  Moderate Republicans can still support many of the ideas proposed by regional planners and their “initiatives”  but all Republicans should oppose the mechanics behind how the advocates of regional planning want them implemented.

What about the limiting power of the state and US Constitution?  Legislators get their approval from voters to act in their names but their power to act upon them is limited by constitutions.  Speak to the voters about how you will view bills based on this relationship.  Can you speak to them at all?

Simple.  Core.  Values.

Common Core is designed to force schools to embrace a national curriculum by ultimately tying all certifications to the national standard whether your district embraces it or not.  Even if the curriculum were great, what Republican accepts this kind of centrally planned extortion from the federal government?  A Progressive one.

How you answer these kinds of questions says a good deal about what your political philosophy actually is, regardless of the letter you tack at the end of your name as a claim of party affiliation.

Taxpayers in Goffstown should locate their candidates around town, or call them up and ask these questions.  Have you taken this pledge, or that survey?  Where do you stand on these issues?   Then share those answers with other voters.  Share them here.  We will keep a public record so that when Goffstown, or any town, decides which Republicans are the best their town has to offer, we can then measure their words against the only thing that matters.  Votes.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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