Susan shared this earlier today on Facebook. It is the 2012 IRS 990 for the NEA – the humongous Teachers Union that is “all about the teachers and the children.”
If you’d like to get an accurate sense of what the NEA is really about follow Susan’s directions from Facebook. Take a look at page ten of the attached pdf.
As you look, consider this. The NEA reported $6.5 Million dollars to the IRS in 2012. Of that, $6.1 million went to functional expenses; payroll, office space, operating expenses that did not go to either teachers or children. Of the $6.1 Million, 70% of that was pay to the union. Not the members, just the union. All totaled, 94% of NEA spending went to the NEA.
The NEA is a 501 (c) non-profit that pays no taxes (except for payroll taxes). It took in almost 6.5 million on which it paid no taxes. This ‘non-profit’ spent 94% of its “revenue” on itself, just in 2012. It does this, more or less, every year it is in operation.
Non-profit? Is that a joke?
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