Jeanne Shaheen is a women’s health care wrecking machine

Kimberly Morin

You see, when Shaheen was Governor of New Hampshire, she decided she wanted to force ridiculous mandates onto health insurance companies. At the time the Granite State had many health insurance companies doing business and providing coverage to residents. Women could get all sorts of health insurance plans and they were affordable.

Once Shaheen put her mandates into place the majority of health insurers left the state; leaving women with few choices. On top of that, because of Shaheen’s mandates, the price of health insurance premiums rose to the second highest in the nation (2nd only to Massachusetts). This left women with little choice and often with no coverage because they simply could no longer afford to purchase health insurance.

Shaheen continued destroying health care choices for women when she voted (against the wishes of the majority of her constituents) for Obamacare. Thousands of Granite Staters lost their health insurance plans, doctors and hospitals. Children lost their health coverage. Women once again lost their health care choices and actually lost access, thanks to Jeanne Shaheen.

Interesting the only ‘health care’ Shaheen seems to be concerned with is birth control. What on Earth did women do before health insurance companies provided coverage for it? How did women survive without having someone else provide their birth control for them? According to Shaheen, they didn’t. In Shaheen’s world, women are incapable and ignorant creatures who need the government to mandate how they get birth control. In Shaheen’s world, women can’t simply purchase birth control for themselves, that would be far too onerous to expect personal responsibility from a woman.

While Shaheen lies and panders to the left wing women in New Hampshire, who actually resemble incapable and ignorant humans, the fact is she has been a one-woman wrecking machine on women’s health care in the Granite State since she was Governor. Her governmental mandates have done nothing but hurt women’s choices, access and ability to pay for their own health insurance. It’s time she was called out on the carpet for this. Women need to wake up and realize they are being played fools for political gain.

Cross-posted from Examiner



  • Kimberly Morin

    Kimberly Morin is a political activist in the Granite State. She is a lifelong Independent who calls out both sides of the aisle when they screw up. She's a weekly guest on the nationally syndicated radio show, Real Side with Joe Messina, and a frequent flyer on The Independence Gang.

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