FOUND: Video of Sandra Fluke from her Childhood

Kimberly Morin

Given the latest hysteria and lies over the Supreme Court ruling in the Hobby Lobby case,  I searched high and low over the interwebs and discovered a video of Sandra ‘I can’t buy my own birth control’ Fluke from her childhood.

Not much has changed into her ‘adulthood’ only she doesn’t want golden eggs now, she wants thousands of dollars of birth control she apparently needs each year.  And she doesn’t want her actual Daddy to pay for it, she wants Big Daddy Government or Big Daddy Employer to pay for it.

Somehow women of her ilk are so weak-minded and pathetic they cannot shell out the few dollars a month it costs to pay for their sexual proclivities.  Sex is apparently their choice but purchasing birth control must be the responsibility of their employer or the government.  These ‘adult women’ continue to act like petulant children.

It doesn’t matter that it’s only abortive type birth control that was struck down in the Hobby Lobby case (all 4 types).  Hobby Lobby will still be providing 16 other types of birth control.   How much birth control do these women need?  16 choices isn’t enough?  And shelling out a few bucks for Plan B is somehow OUTRAGEOUS?  Since Plan B is used for when you think you had an ‘oops’ and could potentially get pregnant, wouldn’t it be better if these women USED the other 16 choices of birth control properly in the first place?  There’s also the absolutely 100% FREE form of birth control that is 100% guaranteed to stop any pregnancy – it’s called ‘abstinence’  (and I edited what I really wanted to write here).  But ZOMG don’t EVER mention that word.  Personal responsibility doesn’t seem to be in their vocabulary.

The pathetic anti-feminist women like Fluke are an absolute embarrassment to the female gender.  Not only do they have zero clue what the Hobby Lobby case was actually about (which shows their lack of knowledge) but they can’t even speak to the real reason it was brought – the Constitution (which shows their lack of intelligence).

True feminists who are actually independent women find these women to be the antithesis of the entire movement.  These women want nothing more than Big Daddy Government to take care of them rather than they taking care of themselves.  That’s hardly what anyone would call being an independent and strong woman.  These are the same pathetic twits who scream they want government to stay out of their uterus yet demand government (aka taxpayers) PAY for their uterus.  Something clearly went awry in their childhoods and the video above is probably an example of why.


  • Kimberly Morin

    Kimberly Morin is a political activist in the Granite State. She is a lifelong Independent who calls out both sides of the aisle when they screw up. She's a weekly guest on the nationally syndicated radio show, Real Side with Joe Messina, and a frequent flyer on The Independence Gang.

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