The Club For Growth issued a followup to their endorsement of New Hampshire CD-2 Candidate for Congress, Marilinda Garcia. In their missive they reiterate their support for Garcia, and make a clarion call for donations to support her. But they also take a shot at her opponent Gary Lambert. Given my recent posts on push polling attributed to the Lambert campaign, and the negative patina they have tried to paint on Ms. Garcia, I though I’d take a moment to share Club For Growth’s Opinion of her and of her opponent, State Senator Gary Lambert.
Club For Growth’s Positives on Marilinda Garcia
At just thirty-one years old, Marilinda has already done more to fight for economic freedom than most sitting members of Congress. She has been a State Representative since 2007, during which time she:
- Voted to cut taxes
- Voted no every single time on spending and budget increases
- Voted against a regional Cap-and-Trade scheme
- Opposed new energy mandates
- Vocally supported ending corporate welfare
Marilinda Garcia gets it. She has a deep understanding of why our nation is on the brink of financial ruin – and what difficult steps need to be taken in order to get us back on a path toward prosperity. And not only does she understand that prosperity and opportunity come from economic freedom (not government mandates) – she’s ready to fight for it!
Club for Growth’s thoughts on State Senator Gary Lambert
Gary Lambert supported spending millions on wasteful “light rail” projects, he was the deciding vote to keep a regional Cap-and-Trade program, he voted against a bill that would have allowed individuals and businesses to buy health insurance across state lines, he has referred to lobbyists as a “great source of education”, and he contributed $1,000 to a Democrat running for Congress.
Gary Lambert’s record is bad – really bad. But one thing Lambert does appear to be good at is raising money.
In both cases the emphasis is from Club for Growth.
Looking at what the Lambert Push Poll claims versus what Club for Growth says…well, there’s a bit of contrast between them. And, of course, Club for Growth is sending their details to an opted-in email list, where SSI Market Research is claiming to take a poll by calling NH CD-2 residents at their homes. I know, you don’t have to pick up the phone, but if the purpose of the poll is to plant spurious claims about your opponent in the minds of likely voters, why not just come out yourself and say it? Why hide behind a push poll?
I think you all know the answer to that question.
H/T Mike Rogers for the gimme.