Choke on It Gun Grabbing Marxists

woman pointing gunDetroit Police Chief says “if more citizens were armed criminals would think twice about attacking them, and criminals appear to be thinking at least twice–crime is dropping in Detroit.

The chief of Detroit police credited legally armed residents for a substantial decrease in crime in a city that desperately needs it.

“Criminals are getting the message that good Detroiters are armed and will use that weapon,” said chief James Craig, according to The Detroit News.

According to The Detroit News, there have been 37 percent fewer robberies, 22 percent fewer break-ins and 30 percent fewer carjackings this so far in 2014 compared to the same period last year.

More armed citizens, lower crime.  Choke on It Gun Grabbing Marxists


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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