A new Quinnipiac University poll shows shocking data that 8% of Americans are racist. The poll rated Obama as the worst president since WWII. However, 8% say he’s the best, despite his foriegn policy blunders resulting in the murder of an ambassador while he slept to prepare for a fundraiser, the 20 unanimous smack downs by the Supreme Court over abuse of power and clear lack of understsanding of our Constitutional system, the IRS scandal, fast and furious gun running scandal, AP scandal, James Rosen scandal, NSA eaves dropping scandal etc, etc. plus the unemployment remaining obscenely hight, the national debt to never seen before levels, the labor participation rate at record low levels, on and on and on… sheesh it’s tiresome keeping track and yet…
And yet still many say he’s best president ever. Of course, we know what that means. They’re racist. They mean “He’s the best president…for a black guy”. Which is racist . By every metric, he’s a dyspeptic child in an 8 year tantrum. Following Dr King’s advice on the content of the character and the merits, he’s scraping the bottom with other Democrats and Big Gov types. Alas. America is still racists. We shall overcome…some day…