The New Hampshire State House will soon be able to take the “people’s business” out a whole new door. A door that will cost $79,000.00. Democrat Terie Norelli could remodel a state house bathroom for that kind of money.
The decision to spend 79K$ on a door, whether or not based on sound reasoning or a sudden desire for public safety, is not dissimilar to the Norelli Bathroom boondoggle in one respect. Optics.
With the state facing a debt problem at the end of a session destined to produce long-term higher tax rates and slower growth, dropping eighty grand on a door so tax and spenders can escape the scene of some future tax crime seems a bit opulent.
Why not go back to biennial sessions instead? That doesn’t cost anything. You’d only be in Concord a few months every two years. The room would see much less use. And there would be fewer opportunities for legislators to find new and creative ways to separate hard-working Granite Staters from increasingly larger portions of their paychecks.