Terie Norelli Could Have Remodeled Another State House Bathroom For That Kind Of Money

Steve MacDonald
These are not the doors you’re looking for…

The New Hampshire State House will soon be able to take the “people’s business” out a whole new door.  A door that will cost $79,000.00.  Democrat Terie Norelli could remodel a state house bathroom for that kind of money.

The decision to spend 79K$ on a door, whether or not based on sound reasoning or a sudden desire for public safety,  is not dissimilar to the Norelli Bathroom boondoggle in one respect.  Optics.

With the state facing a debt problem at the end of a session destined to produce long-term higher tax rates and slower growth, dropping eighty grand on a door so tax and spenders can escape the scene of some future tax crime seems a bit opulent.

Why not go back to biennial sessions instead?  That doesn’t cost anything.  You’d only be in Concord a few months every two years.  The room would see much less use.  And there would be fewer opportunities for legislators to find new and creative ways to separate hard-working Granite Staters from increasingly larger portions of their paychecks.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at GraniteGrok.com. Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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