NH HRA Comments – Supreme Court ruling on unconstitutional buffer zone


Contact: JR Hoell 315-9002

The House Republican Alliance released a statement today on the unanimous decision by the United States Supreme Court that 35 feet buffer zones around some businesses are unconstitutional. A similar law, SB 319, with buffer zones of 25 feet was recently signed into law in New Hampshire by Gov. Hassan after a bitter fight in the New Hampshire House of Representatives on the grounds of its constitutionality. The House passed this bill just weeks ago by a mere 162 votes out of the 400 members due to members not being present. The Governor then promptly signed the bill, showing her true commitment to the radical left pushing the bill. The ruling today shows how out of touch our Governor is with the rest of the legal system as well as the citizens of New Hampshire. She, as an attorney, should have known that the SB319 was a blatant violation of the Constitution and should have waited for this ruling prior to signing the bill.

“The US Supreme Court’s unanimous decision today simply confirms what the HRA members believed when they fought against SB 319, that it infringes on freedom of speech.” stated JR. Hoell, Dunbarton. “Governor Hassan’s signing of the bill must be either because she does not understand our constitutional rights, or has little regard for them. “Free speech zones” that prohibit citizens from demonstrating or otherwise expressing their opinions in some locations are blatant affronts to our freedom of speech. Yes, it’s sometimes annoying, but democracy is messy and one person’s convenience is no reason to limit another’s right to speak out.”



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