President Peace Prize, NH’s Jeanne Shaheen, even Congresspersons Carol Shea-Porter and Paul Hodes (Paul Who?), claimed that Afghanistan was the war we should be fighting.
Well, after six years under Obama (with Shaheen on the hook for six years as well), guess what? It’s Their War. This is Obama’s War. It is Jeanne Shaheen’s War.
Why is Afghanistan, as Bob Woodward correctly termed it, Obama’s war? Del Castillo’s sharp pencil work shows that during the period 2002-2013, $650 billion have been appropriated for the Afghan war effort, and a whopping $487.5 billion of that (or 75%) took place after President Obama took office (see accompanying chart).
Does anyone recall something about expensive and unnecessary wars? And who expects this to end any better than anything else Obama has had his hands in? Iraq’s a mess, Libya is a mess, Egypt’s military is trying to un-mess up Egypt, Syria is a mess Obama helped on the down-low, Iran is dangerous, Paakeeestaaan is a loss, foreigners kill our ambassadors, and the terrorists play Obama to exchange useless traitors for Taliban Thought leaders. And don’t forget the VA mess.