Speaking of Gimmicks that are bad for New Hampshire, how about ‘Change We can Believe in,’ or ‘if you like your plan you can keep you plan,” hmmm-Kay? I would have even gone with a long list of Democrats first, including Jeanne Shaheen; but uber-lefty Sharon Chabot (@nhdogmom) seems to think that the more well known half of General Stark’s famous quote is the plague upon all our Granite State houses…and violates some historical precedent related to gimmicks.
Jeesh, Sharon, General Stark’s words came way before License plates, and the revolution that freed us from Britain was not fought so 21st century Democrats could pass “The View Tax!”
But I could revisit ‘Scenic.’ ‘Scenic” would be a long train of liberals in a convoy headed to Massachusetts, Vermont, Rhode Island, or Connecticut, where their favorite liberal social and fiscal experiments have already borne decades of very pricey rotten fruit.