Efforts by Democrats to point fingers over the abuses at the VA will continue but some unpleasant facts remain. Since January 2007 the Democrats have had a majority control of the Federal government, and therefore oversight of departments like the Veterans Administration. For those who were forced to use Common Core or Everyday Math, that is over seven years of majority rule oversight.
Seven years is a long time, almost as long as George Bush was the President. And there is mounting evidence that whatever problem they insist they ‘inherited,’ it has gotten much worse, in contradiction to the Obama Admin rhetoric.
And why wouldn’t the Democrats hide these truths, even from each other? This is what happens when the bureaucracy runs health care.
The cadre of single-payer prophets (and their media acolytes) had to hide the reality of waiting lists because they validated their opponents objections and provided physical existence of ‘de facto death panels’ all while they were denying such a problem could ever exist?
They hid the reality so they could then bring that reality to everyone (except the ruling class which is exempt).
Back in 2008/2009, I had suggested that the best way to end the troubles at the VA for sick or wounded vets was to give them the ability to access health care anywhere, at any hospital, doctor, or facility of their choosing, with their VA credentials. This would have solved wait list issues and eliminated the need to build more government run hospitals in places where there was abundant access to doctors and care facilities with the resources to address any care issue, including issues specific to Veterans. Where such specific resources were limited or lacking, both public and private care providers would have responded to meet the needs of Veterans if they knew to expect them as patients, and done so more efficiently and effectively, because that is what free markets do. (Governments make excuses.)
At the same time, circa 2009, we were being shouted down about Obamacare, because many of us on the Right pointed to the VA’s unresolved problems as problems we would all have to live with under a full implementation of ObamaCare.
Since passage of ObamaCare we are seeing access reduced, with fewer doctors or hospitals available, costs rising—which will also limit access and treatment options, all of which will lead inevitably to a scarcity problem created by the mandate that will produce waiting lists, like the ones the VA have (that all countries with socialized medicine have), including the secret variety of lists that hide how bad things are from the press and public, that resulted in the current VA scandal.
The lists, the denials, the finger-pointing, the blame-storming, the bureaucrat CYA, Americans dying without ever receiving care, long hours in waiting rooms, inadequate or incorrect care, this is not just the VA Story. This is the ObamaCare story. If we keep turning pages on government run health care we will get to the pages that include the same sad tale as is currently being played out with the VA. This is the legacy of state managed health care. If you do not live to feel the pain, your children certainly will.
So as you listen to the faux outrage by Democrat politicians, and in particular those who are up for re-election, remember this; there is no similar outrage over ObamaCare. They refuse to believe, despite the disastrous rollouts, the collapse of state exchanges, the inefficiency, absence of coverage, the loss of hospitals or doctors in the government covered networks, the denial of treatments or drugs, with no way to ensure people are paying for coverage or being reimbursed for services, that the fledgling failures of ObamaCare are a warning that the path we are on is the same road that lead us to the kind of circumstances Democrats are now decrying as deplorable under the VA.
Such is the intolerant and unstable mind of the narrative driven Democrat progressive.
If they are not lying, then they are delusional, take your pick. Either way, if left to their own devices, we will all suffer.