Why ‘OUR State Project’ Can’t Run Away From GraniteState Progress…

Steve MacDonald

The OUR State Project is looking to blacklist candidates and then smear them in the court of public opinion.   Cynthia Chase and Susan Bruce are founding members so, no surprises there.

They have been promoting  meetings (on social media) held at the offices of the progressive lobbying outfit Granite State Progress, in Concord, which ties them to GSP’s out-of-state millionaires and dark money.   And now OSP is trying to distance themselves from GraniteState progress. Not directly affiliated?  That’s not going to fly?

OSP tweet not with GSP

Democracy Alliance is not “Directly Affiliated” with GraniteState Progress, but they do direct progressive one-percenters to fund the organization that funds them.

Even if GSP is merely providing office space, which is paid for by one-percenters in part through Democracy Alliance, that is a political expenditure by GraniteState Progress, relative to planned political speech (before they even print a single flyer or palm card), that for the purposes of a certain piece of legislation waiting to be signed by the governor would/could be considered coordination requiring registration.

Coordination requiring registration is direct affiliation.  OSP is GSP, and vice versa, until further notice.

So there is a conspiracy here.  It is to hide the affiliation between the McCarthyesqe OUR State Project and the out-of-state funded Progressive Lobbyists at GraniteState progress.

The next question you should ask is why?  Why is OSP seeking to hide that relationship?

Thanks to Joe Frasier for the image of the tweet.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of GraniteGrok.com, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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