I was talking to a reader about the Gilford School board and their cavalier attitude toward a teen-porn curriculum. It occurred to us that if this was about a parent objecting to a moment of silence or something else to which the left objects, the Democrats would respond as they did in Merrimack back in the 90’s. The left opposed a policy and to make their point they waged an all out culture war and PR blitzkrieg.
1. Brought in Rent a mob groups from MA to protest outside the School Board meetings.
2. Students wore black arm bands to protest the Anti Gay policy
3. Left-wing advocates would show up to School Board meetings and use the public comment time to lash out at the School Board.
4. They filed a law suit against the town of Merrimack for the policy.
5. The media tried to drag Republican presidential candidates into the controversy during the 1996 Pres Primary.
The reader was wondering, with regard to the Gilford School Boards position that “teen porn is a necessary part of a public education,” are local activists…
1. …planning to go to Gilford to protest the School Board there. (I don’t mean inside the meeting room I mean outside). And at every meeting, until they get what they want.
2. Where are the (endless stream of) letters to the editor to the local papers from Gilford residents condemning this outrage?
3. How come people in Guilford aren’t saying “how embarrassed they are to be from Gilford” these days because of an arrest of a parent who is outraged at the school district?
4. How come local Democrats running for office this year up there aren’t being asked about this issue and where they stand?
…and there is no reason not to bring in the Federal level offices for Congress and the Senate. Democrats are top-down creatures by design. They want the local board under the thumb of a state or national standards and curricula. They need to be challenged. (Add Governor Hassan to that list.)
Ask them to read page 313 from the book Nineteen minutes out loud. When they wont, ask why? Ask them what would happen if they or any parent stood outside the School and handed this out to kids? They would get arrested, and if that is true why is it acceptable to pass this trash off as the best we can do to make whatever point the teacher or district insist needs making? Why are parents who are asked to give consent not shown page 313 as an example of what mature content means, and what does that say about the motivations of the folks choosing books they want to use but whose content they feel they must hide from parents?
How or when will the teacher or person who chose or approved the book be reprimanded? Why are they not being terminated for peddling pornography? Should we be calling the AG?
Do you approve of this content in the classroom? Explain your answer?
And whose money are they spending, who do they work for, and how would you hold them accountable if the parents object?
It may be that some of these things are happening but we’ve not heard, though I suspect with Skip living in Gilford, we’d have heard. But they are good questions. Were this an issue for the left, we’d have never heard the end of it, and while this has made global news that’s not much good if no actual visible pressure is brought to bear here and in plain view of every other school board that might be playing the same kind of games.