CVA and The VA Management Accountability Act – Make NH Proud!


Concerned-Veterans-for-America-Circle-LogoSince the last week in February I have had the pleasure of working with Concerned Veterans for America, making calls to NH vets regarding mismanagement at the Veterans Administration – specifically targeting poor performing administrators.  Well, I guess that issue has hit the front pages in the last few days.  Good thing it finally did, so President Obama could be made aware of the problem – so says his spokesman.

In any case, lots of people talk about politics and some people do things within their capabilities.  This issue would be one of those opportunities for an average person to make a difference.  If you want to help, all you have to is contact the CVA.  (Come on! I’m making it easy on ya.)


Dear Ed,

Tonight, the House of Representatives overwhelmingly (390-33) passed the VA Management Accountability Act-VA– a historic and powerful first step in bringing long-overdue accountability to the Department of Veterans Affairs.  Without the efforts of CVA staff, and most importantly our volunteers, this vote would have never happened. 

From our field staff to our Hill staff, CVA has led the way in building support for this bill – and then putting pressure on Congress to act.  Thank you for standing up to fight for America’s veterans.  But the fight is far from over.  Our efforts now shift to the Senate, where Senator Harry Reid has the ability to bring the Senate accountability bill — S.2013 — up for a vote.  We will be asking you to join us in pressing hard for a Senate vote on #Vaaccountability.  Below is our press release on tonight’s vote; take a read, and share with as many people as possible. The time to act is now, and CVA will strike while the iron is hot.


VA Accountability Act’s Passage in House First Step Toward Accountability

Arlington, Va. – The U.S. House of Representatives tonight overwhelmingly passed the Department of Veterans Affairs Management Accountability Act of 2014 (HR 4031) with final vote of 390-33. This bipartisan bill empowers the VA Secretary to fire and replace failing executives and managers, and is now headed to the Senate for consideration.

Pete Hegseth, CEO of Concerned Veterans for America, issued the following statement in reaction:

“The VA Management Accountability Act’s overwhelming and bipartisan passage in the House is the first step on the road to accountability at the Department of Veterans Affairs, and is a sign that members on both sides of the aisle understand the urgent need to restore trust in the scandal-plagued VA.

“Kudos to Rep. Jeff Miller of Florida, the chair of the House Veterans Affairs Committee, who worked to introduce this bill, champion it, and get it passed. And thank you to the The American Legion, AMVETS, and Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans for America for their early and vocal support of the bill.

“This is a historic move by the House, but the fight is not over. We will remain vigilant as the bill moves to the Senate, where Sen. Marco Rubio’s companion version awaits action. The VA has proven that reform is not going to come from within, so we’re glad that the House has stepped up to demand accountability – and we look to the Senate to do the same.

To schedule a TV interview with Pete Hegseth, CEO of CVA, or other CVA experts, please email

For more information, contact Emily Laird at 571.302.0973 or email


Concerned Veterans for America is a non-partisan, non-profit, 501(c)(4) organization that advocates for policies that will preserve the freedom and liberty we and our families so proudly fought and sacrificed to defend.
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