Democrat Anti-Liberty Hate Group Attempts Jedi Mind Trick

Steve MacDonald

The Anti-Liberty Hate Group “OUR State Project,” “FreeStateWatch,” “ItWasAllAnFSPConspriacy,” or ‘Something-Something” is resorting to the Jedi Mind Trick as it runs away from itself.

“These are Not The Anti-Liberty Hate Groups You Are Looking For.”

I guess wanting to blacklist citizens and scare-monger voters while standard equipment in the Progressive Designer Tool satchel doesn’t sound so good if someone else has taken control of your battle space and frames it as what it is.

The McCarthyites on the left are denying everything and like their mentor Master Blame-shifter Obama, pointing fingers at everyone else.

“It’s not us,” say the blacklisters, “it’s the The Liberty Menace. They’re trying to make us look bad.  We were just going to make Harry Reid Can Koozies on craft night. Knit sweaters for the underprivileged kids Obama and Pelosi kicked out of Sidwell Friends (“Obama kicked me back to the public school curb and all I got was this crappy sweater).  Maybe share stories about our first time…hiding in a non-profit to engage in nationally funded left-wing activism for Democrat candidates; you know, how we helped put the “Ass” in Democrat ass-troturf.).

“Oh, and blacklist some people because they moved here to get away from people like us.  Sure, they were hoping to avoid having to deal with unelected boards of unaccountable commissioners, education policy dictated to them from thousands of miles away, a taxpayer funded Commissar of rain water runoff, the survillance state or the Ministry of approved speech–stacked with faculty room rejects and “non-partisan progressive lobbyists like us,” but we want that stuff bad.”

If you look up ‘Non-Partisan’ in the Democrat Diktionary, it says – The act of convincing others through lies, intimidation, or by use of government force to believe what we believe, or to at least shut up if you don’t.

Granite State Progress, Da Bruce, Zandra, the State Democrat party, no one had anything to do with any of the Twitter or Facebook accounts, the website registrations, all that digital outreach they love so much–none of that was them trying to do things they said they wanted to do in the way they would typically do it. That was someone else.  Seriously.

Jedi Mind Trick.

Whatever they claim, this is something they want. They will coordinate with the Democrat machine because they are already tied into it, there will be a digital presence, and they have plenty of money to make it all happen. The question is, how will it take form, who will inevitably fund it, will it be another dark money front group, will anyone dare stand up as the front man (woman, person of non-specific gender), and what will the output of this group look like?

Hey, maybe we’ll find messages hidden on Jeanne Shaheen’s website that suddenly become radio ads or copy on flyers or mailers about the Liberty Menace.  That’s Joe Freestater.  Get him!

You never know.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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