Why Not Raise the Minimum Wage to $100/Hour?

If employers had to pay even the least competent of their weak links a Benjamin an hour we could make everyone rich almost overnight.

So why don’t the “We must raise the minimum wage” chest-pounding, ax-grinding, we-care-about-the-poor-more-than-you-proponents of increasing this arbitrary price point on the value of labor insist on it?

Because they know, deep down in their meddling souls, that it would increase unemployment and price out unskilled labor.

It would destroy jobs and close businesses. More people would have less money and become more dependent on the Government. And things would cost a lot more making more products and services less accessible to average Americans.

So, do they have to know that their social-engineering “haggling” over lesser sums will do exactly the same thing just too some smaller degree?

Funny thing that, coming from the we need more access and opportunity income gap Don Quixotes. Tilting at yet more windmills. Making that separation larger by altogether pricing out the most vulnerable.  It’s almost as if they are trying to make more people dependent on the Government.

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