School bureaucrats don’t like courage and…


…excellence. Okay, I get that…but they are paid with our taxes. And when they use their authority to show their disdain for achievement and excellence, I don’t care for it. Or them. This from today’s Union Leader: “Brandon Garabrant, 18, of Greenfield is graduating from Marine boot camp Friday in South Carolina, and will be home in

Brandon Garabrant: One of the few, the proud, the Marines.
Brandon Garabrant: One of the few, the proud, the Marines.

time for his ConVal high school graduation Saturday. His mother, Jessie Garabrant, said his request to wear his uniform instead of a cap and gown was refused by school officials, who cited graduation policy. A cap and gown will have to cover his uniform.” In the comments after the article several self-described veterans displayed their servile attitude when…

…they asserted “he’s just got to follow orders” (last time I checked, the school district isn’t in the Marine chain of command). Well, maybe so. But these are school district bureaucrats paid by us. And I say “change your attitude, bureaucrat: I pay you.” So would someone please let us know who the unnamed “school officials” are, so they can be replaced? I wouldn’t want such people inflicted on my kid, and I understand the outrage by parents and others that is growing. Here’s what I said in comments after the article:

 The “school district” isn’t in this young man’s Marine Corps chain of command. The “orders” he is being given are set by public bureaucrats who are paid by our taxes. They may have the right to deny him rights given to others (i.e. those with special messages on their caps), but the public employs and pays them. So please disclose the name or names of the school bureaucrats who refused the young man’s request, so that we can see that they are fired and their jobs given to someone with more brains, pride, and patriotism. I don’t want people who lack those characteristics working in public positions of authority. If I were heading up the school district I would tell the young man OF COURSE he can wear his dress blues; we’re proud of him, and of the U.S. Marines. To those of you who bow down to to the school bureaucrats…what would you say if YOU could make the decision yourself? If your answer is that you’d deny the young man’s request, thank you for answering: You define yourself by your decision.

You can read the entire article, and the following comments, HERE.



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