Apparently, Rep Janice Schmidt does not like it when her words boomerang back wildly placing her on an embarrassingly exposed defense.
My post on Rep Schmidt’s stating “All murders aren’t the same” has gotten her unwanted attention and wedged her into a bind.
WMUR’s Political Director James Pindell picked up on it and added her into “…the long Hall of Shame for dumb comments by New Hampshire representatives over the years for comments…”. Burn.
Oh, what to do, Jan? Why, come up with a specious spot of strategery to get out of this miasma, of course!
She’s found an exiguously gauzy fig leaf that she’s fumbling to use to shield her shameful bits. It might work on those that care not one whiff for the truth, so long as you’re on their side. But those that honesty look at what she said, an apology would be more appropriate. I can’t say that I blame her for trying; she has to say something with which her fellow progressives can echo.
She’s trying to say that my motives for posting her quote was an attempt to mitigate the controversies of the two other Republican piles of moronic matter that came to light last week: the vagina email and another one comparing the poor to wild animals.
I must say, that is completely absurd. Think about it. I wouldn’t have posted anything if Janice decided to refrain from entering herself as a candidate for the “Hall of Shame for dumb comments”. To suggest that I had a cunning and devious plan, to lure the hapless Rep. Schmidt into saying something stupid in order to mitigate the plight of two dumb Republicans is just plain paranoid crack pipe crazy.
It boils down to this Janice. Don’t say stupid things and you won’t find yourself defending stupid.
I think she’s taking that tract. Looks like she’s going dark on the Patch and taking her insipience and going home. Good move, Janice. Less chance of being re-inducted into the “…the long Hall of Shame for dumb comments by New Hampshire representatives over the years for comments…”.