I thought Dems and Progressives were all “Trees – Not Towers” all the time:
Article 12
Shall the Town vote to authorize the selectmen to enter into a 5 year lease agreement, with an automatic renewal for four (4) automatic give (5) year terms, with AT&T to locate a tower (on town owned property on North Road, a/k/a Map 18 Lot 15 which has a designation of “Warner Town Forest” or to take any other action in relation thereto? (simple majority vote required).
I asked the Warner selectboard how many Warner Forest trees would have to be cut down to facilitate a construction road and permanent maintenance area. I was told to show up at town meeting and ask the AT&T guy myself…..hmm…maybe I’ll ask about free cell service.
And put this one in the category of “Not Bad Work If You Can Get It”:
Article 10
Shall the Town vote to establish an Employee Health Insurance Expendable Trust Fund for the purposed of employee health insurance deductibles and to raise and appropriate the sum of $15,000.00 (Fifteen Thousand Dollars) to be placed in this fund, said sum to come from the General Fund Balance. (Recommended by the Board of Selectmen) (Recommended by the Budget Committee)
Tomorrow night should be fun………..