Obama.com – ‘Made In China’

No one is (or should be) all that surprised that the Obama campaign has again removed security protocols that would prevent illegal credit card donations from outside the US, (about the same time he has a record setting month for donations *cough-cough*).   But would you be surprised to learn that the Outsourcer in Chief’s web site, Obama.com, is owned and run by the CEO of a Chinese Infomercial company run by an Obama bundler…

Acorn International, with ties to state-controlled banks that allow it to “gain revenue through credit card transactions with Chinese banks.”

So here’s a guy, a US citizen, whose whole nut is dependent on the good graces of Chinese state-run television.  A guy with close ties to big Chinese banks and to the White House, who is helping Obama fund-raise using a system that just happens to allow illegal credit-card donations to the Obama campaign from anywhere in the world.

Nothing to see here.

(See Obama’s 68%)

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