[Updated] TEA Party April 15th

Steve MacDonald

In case you forgot, the annual TEA party event at Victory Park in Manchester is this Sunday at 2pm to  5pm.

A list of speakers has been added- beginning at 2:15

Update- (corrected time of event and added list of speakers)

Tom Flaherty will introduce Pastor Joe DiChiarowho will be doing the invocation.

Our Master of Ceremonies is NH Senator Andy Sanborn.

Speakers will start at 2:15 PM

Kevin Smith – Candidate for Governor
Ovide Lamontagne – Candidate for Governor
Dennis Lamare – Candidate for Congress 2

Kurt Wuelper – Chair, NHRTL
Hal Shurtleff – Chair, JBS
Sylvia Smith – Littleton Tea Party
Cindy Howard – Claremont Tea Party
Tom Flaherty – Greater Nashua Tea Party
Norm Tregenza – State Representative
Andy Manuse – State Representative
Richard Bloom – Former Concord Tea Party Organizer
Carolyn McKinney – Chair, RLCNH
Wendy Warcholik – Director, CPR Research
Bob Burns – HC Treasurer, Candidate for Executive Council
Bradley Jardis – Former NH Police Officer

(Links for most of these speakers’ groups are on the right sidebar)


Tea Party 2012 April 15

Come join us for a tea party event at Victory Park in Manchester on Sunday April 15, 2012 from 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM.

Here is a where Victory Park is located…

Victory Park Manchester NH

It’s free!

Member groups may bring their own tables and canopies in order to hawk their materials for free. They may take their usual donations only, no selling.


– Bring homemade signs (suggested issues: health mandates, high taxes, NDAA/Patriot Act, IRS abuses, Federal Reserve legality, debt ceiling, banker bailouts, foreign aid, out of the UN, deficits, spying, 6 new wars undeclared, food-property-water-education and medical rights, etc) You can Google/Images these issues to find signs to print.

– There is a parking garage across the street from the park and next to it as well.
– There will be no bathroom facilities on the premises.
– Please bring chairs or blankets, to prevent standing around the speakers area and blocking the view of others.

All elected officials and candidates have been invited to speak. All member groups have been invited to have tables.

We are hoping to have live music that the whole family can enjoy as well. Hope to see you there!


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of GraniteGrok.com, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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