Because Sarah Palin "gets it" with regard to the underlying problem our country and culture faces today: "It’s the political/government/ruling classes, stupid!"
Look at it this way: Under socialism the government controls everything, okay? (The ruling classes deny it, but only the stupid, lazy, and historically uninformed believe that whopper.)
But people who oppose the government controlling everything are not simply "anti-government." They know their true enemy is…
…a group of people, a "class" if you will. So opposition to government control isn’t hostility to government, it is hostility to the notion of that greedy, grasping, unprincipled, group of people—lusting for power and the wealth of others—controlling everything, including our very lives.
Sarah Palin successfully and accurately identifies that group of people in her speeches as "the permanent political class." It is she alone among both actual and potential GOP Presidential candidates who is talking and teaching about class conflict in America today. By doing so, Sarah Palin enlightens the American electorate and heightens class consciousness. It is something America desperately needs in order to destroy the parasite class that has attained power and is steering our country toward the abyss. I hope she continues to do so.
You can read more about the ruling polltical class HERE and HERE. Educate yourself! Tell your friend too!